New tv’s and the permissions they ask for.

Insults? None thrown. I think what you do with virtual crayons is incredible.
So you are more computer literate than me....does that make you right?? NOT LIKELY. You tell "people" to just turn it off. Not as simple as that. Not ALL work like that lol FOR A REASON. Cuz what they are doing is illegal.
Dissenting opinion(s) no problem.
Condescending attitude can **** off.(from anyone) For example "I find it a little amusing".... sounds like a little smug for me lol.
When technology invades our privacy...and it does, I and several million others DONT want it.
Ok, reject the technology and don’t use it. That also means you won’t be able to be on this forum anymore. It is all just a choice that nobody is forcing anyone to make.

But if you learn how to use it and control it, you can benefit from the best technology has to offer and minimize the worst...making it a balance that you can live with.

Every technological advance that brings benefits also has a flip side that brings negatives. How you use it and control it determines the ultimate value.

But you can’t demand that it work “your way” or “no way”.