When ur gone

Put a written plan in place. That drunk driver could cross the line at any time. Got 3 sons who couldn't care less and a stepson who doesn't deserve the cars. Time for an auction and split the proceeds. Better the cars go to someone who will appreciate what they are than rot or get smashed. If ur not sure think about who has helped you in the garage or maybe someone from the car club. Can you imagine when they find out?

Watch out for the car buddy. Once you are in the hole for good things change and that's when the vultures come out in people. Watched it unfold years ago and people that I used to look up to would never be allowed at my dinner table again. Luckily for one racers wife a few of us made sure she got a fair deal when her husband passed and let her a hot mess of race cars and parts. I call it death deals and if I have history with the person someone else can have at it.....