Dad’s 1969 Dodge Dart Swinger 340

Okay, so here is my review of that gun. I bought it, cleaned it, and sprayed with it. It sputtered the whole time, but I wanted to get the fender done. No contaminants in the paint. Massive orange peel (could be from that being the first time I used a paint gun), but who cares, its epoxy. Trigger was harder than heck to pull. Fluid adjustment screw felt like it was cross threaded (it wasnt) from a spring that is way too stiff. Cup leaked from the attaching threads. Fan control leaked air. Cleaned it after use. Second time we used it (my son), the top of the fan was non-existent, so we were painting with half the fan. Got that fender done. Third time we used it... GOTCHA, we didnt use it a third time! After the second use, I went out and purchased a pair of Devilbiss FLG-5 (1.4 and 1.8) from the UK (not available in the US) along with ANI regulators and a 2.0 needle and nozzle set. The massive difference in spray quality makes my work look like I know what I am doing. No leaks, and the gun worked for more than one session (still does). And its not purple.

It was worth the purchase simply because, at the time, I was very intimidated by trying to operate (and set up) a spray gun. After the second go-around, I disassembled the purple gun completely... performed an autopsy of sorts... just to see how the darn thing worked. Not as intimidating anymore (nothing ever is after you've seen its guts), and I decided I would be painting enough in my life to justify some quality hardware. I chose the FLG-5 due to its lower CFM usage (under 10) and the fact that I found NOBODY that didnt love it after using it.