ProComp/Speedmaster aluminum heads

Hopefully Tony chimes in again. He has had a few sets done and seems happy. There is more than a few guys running these and some I’m sure ootb. So a little help should do wonders for these heads. There will always be the Chinese haters. But I bet if u looked in there drive way, house, shop u will find 75% Chinese appliances, electronics and tools etc. Oh ya, on or in there pride and joy American made Mopar. Kim

Not a bad plan.
Buy the height mic first...... check installed heights...... buy correct springs to suit.

Amazing that a shop would not want to check out new heads! I mean, that is about the easiest and cleanest work they could do. I would avoid the hand waving guy for sure.

Pretty soon you are up to the cost of an in America machined set ProMaxx heads
I'm going to ask you kind gentlemen to take a break for a minute while I have it out with 318 has valves that will fly. He needs to have a little morning argument or we do I can say so this may take a page or two for us to shake this out...
My sincerest apologies of the derailment of this thread but it's going to happen regardless. Please tune in later after it is over and we can get back to the heads..