Corporate Policies ?

I work for a bunch of idiots who decided we needed to raise the starting wage for new hires, and give some to people who had been there for a while, get them to the "market mid" level of pay. The people who got money (no logic to it) got $2/hr, one guy got $5/hr, and has only been there two years. He is a pay grade below me, and makes more than I do, and I have earned two "levels" that should out me way above his pay. The acting plant manager (from a plant they close) said we need to reduce the gap in pay. So screw over the guys and gals who have been there for a long time and pay the new people who don't know ****, more than we make? Time to look for a new job I think. It's like they just threw darts at a board and went with those names, no rhyme or reason. Makes a guy really not want to work.