If you are under 60 you likely missed all of this. I feel soory for you...

That's funny, what year did "the pill" come to America? Was it 1960?
I never even met a bastard child growing up, until 1964 when my uncle adopted one. My Dad was born in 1927 into the middle of a family of 15 children,the last one of which was born in 1943; and not one of them had a child out of wedlock. Dad got married in 52. I was born 10 months and change afterwards,In 1957 Dad woulddabin 30years old, and that was the year my little brother was born,( no pill yet) the third in line. Then Mum got the pill and and the family stayed at 3 kids for six years. Then little brother showed up in 63, followed by a miscarriage and then a little sister in 65.But either the pill, or Mum's age (only 33 in 63), did something to those kids, cuz they were far far from her best work.
All thru highschool never met a bastard, even growing up in a French Catholic community. What's that supposed to mean? Well if you don't know it, Catholics can do pretty much anything they want all week long, then just go to mass on Sunday,confess to the priest, say some hail-marys, and go back to fornicating on Monday. I kid you not. From 13 years old they were or could be, on the pill. Some of those girls quit school early or moved away, as early as grade 10, it was rumored, to have babies. No idea if any of it was true.
All around me kids were pairing up. I lost two steady girlfriends due to me not putting out,one in grade 9 or 10 and another in 11/12 and had a lot of dates in the intervening times,that went nowhere, cuz I was keeping it in my pants.At that age, there was just no way I was gonna accidentally be a Poppa. If it could happen to my Dad in 63, I thought that it could happen to anybody.Twenty years later we had a high-school reunion. It wasn't pretty.

I don't know if your Catholic, but if you are you don't have a clue about your religion. If you think you are forgiven on Sunday for your sins, and go back to the same old same old, then your sins are not forgiven. The priest says go and sin no more. What do you think you can fool God. Tough enough being a Catholic today without fools who think like that.