What does it cost?

Cheapest way to build our old cars is to start with as complete a car as possible, and as straight and rust free as can. Pay a little more . Like jst said, everything we do is expensive. But a good paint job can be done by anyone that wants to learn and can acquire the needed equipment. Good primers/paints are there and yes expensive but do not cost $1000 a gal.
A $45 spray gun dos not have the same capability of a $800 gun, but a guy can shoot plenty go with the cheap gun.
A $600 mig welder will do any body work and anyone can be taught to weld.
Anyone can learn engine bulding. Better yet find a way to get a good running engine CHEAP and make it better CHEAP as possible. Deep pockets , just buy the best of everything when you do not need the best!
Bodywork? Hard nasty work, that is why shops charge. Anyone can learn if they want. Mess up? Just redo it and fix it!! Are you anal retentive? Just pay a shop to do it and make it all perfect!! !!!??? lol