For Those With Septic Tanks



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
In Mexico no one seems to flush toilet paper, it all goes into a little trash can alongside the toilet. For the rest of you, here is how to test your toilet paper to insure it is compatible with septic tanks (your welcome):

Does My Toilet Paper Actually Dissolve Once I Flush?


My septic was "built too large" for the recommended size of house.

My house is 2000 Sq/Ft and the septic system I've been told is either "3-75" or (yes) "4-40".

Either way, it's supposedly so much larger than spec that it doesn't really need pumping.

I was told- "if five people lived there, maybe pump it every five years".
Down the road there is a family of "considerably more than 5".

They put in a new, above grade system (in the front yard) about five years ago, and just finished putting in at least a partial new system, that is even more above grade than the last one.

Down a bit further a new system went in (again, in the front), and right after the new sod went down, the homeowner planed a tree right in the middle! Seriously, do you know anything at all about septic systems?
Seriously, do you know anything at all about septic systems?

When I was a kid I found that if I accidentally flushed my watch I could beat it to the tank and catch it coming out of the pipe inside the tank.:D
In Mexico no one seems to flush toilet paper, it all goes into a little trash can alongside the toilet. For the rest of you, here is how to test your toilet paper to insure it is compatible with septic tanks (your welcome):

Does My Toilet Paper Actually Dissolve Once I Flush?

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In Vietnam, almost ALL toilets have, what looks like a spray/shower nozzle clipped to the wall. They use it to clean themselves, rather than use paper. Takes a little getting used to..LOL......:lol:
Went to Costa Rica last year and a couple of the Air BNB's we rented had the rule of no flushing of TP and put it in the trashcan. I was thinking that is going to stink by the end of the week. I was surprised it actually didnt and by the end of the week in that house I didnt think twice about it and how common it was all across the country.
They had a neighborhood meeting last month for those wanting to sign up for sewer service (we are up the road from the highway and the connections are just being extended up this way now).

I live in the country and bought my house in 1985. It was built in 1974 so it was 11 years old when I bought it and the septic tank was never pumped. When everything was tested it passed with flying colors. They found a spring 30 yards away and tested the water because they thought my tank was leaching out. Nope it was spring water. In 1986 I called the local tank pumper and told him the above story and asked if it should be pumped. His answer was nope it’s working good. Fast forward to today and the tank has still never been pumped. I have avoided all laundry shop with Phosphates in them as my buddy said do not use Tide. I buy whatever toilet paper I feel like whenever I need more. Knock on wood.
I remember working at biltrite over by (insert member name here when I remember it, something with a slant 6)
Thier sewage system was not up to par, and the same rules flushing TP
I have a high dollar dookie hole.They say I can put terlit paper in it but dont.
We're on septic and had a pumper tell us the Costco (Kirkland) paper was the worst - so there you go. Something for your book of worthless knowledge.
We're on septic and had a pumper tell us the Costco (Kirkland) paper was the worst - so there you go. Something for your book of worthless knowledge.
We use a trash can but love Kirkland terlit paper.I could flush it because I have a aerobic but dont
We are on a septic system, I had it pumped out last year after us being there for 12 years and there was about 6" of sludge at the bottom, guy pumping the tank (whom I know and has been doing this for 15 years) said its working perfectly so see you in another 12!

He did tell me when it comes to TP, buy the cheapest stuff you can find. Stay away from anything that is 2 ply or more and generally TP that starts with a "C" like Charmin, Cottonelle etc, the softer it is on yer arse the worse it is on the septic for breaking down.
If allowed by code, a separate gray water tank is the best way to go. I keeps the fats, phosphates and chlorine bleach out and the 'digesting' bacteria thrive in the black water tank. No pumping needed.

Adding yeast or a Ridex type product to combo tanks does help some.

You would be surprised how much fatty oil can be in there from cooking oil and butter when washing dishes even if you are careful about not pouring it down the drain.

I added full size "manhole" covers when I built to avoid all that digging when it is time to pump or inspect.
Adding yeast or a Ridex type product to combo tanks does help some.

Todd, the guy who did our septic system, said that Ridex is the absolute worse thing too put in a septic tank. Ditto on the yeast. When I had it pumped the first time that company said the same thing. Just had it pumped by a company that damn near everyone out here uses...he said no Ridex. Mentioned something that it does not allow things to separate in the tank. Told me that almost every home that they have been to that was having a drain field issue had put Ridex in the tank.
Our drain field is up hill from the tank, long story. So we have a second tank that the effluent (?) goes into. 4 times a day a pump is activated, if there is enough liquid to be pumped. Guy who pumped ours gave me a card to put on the fridge, they are suggesting we start at 4 years. He told us that with us having a pump chamber it is best to not let it go that long. First time I had it pumped when the first chambers lid was removed there was a very large, almost fluffy pillow. Was told that we should have had it pumped a while ago.
Have been told by both the pumpers and the excavation firm that there is no hard fast number of years when a tank should be pumped. A garbage disposal drastically shortens the time. As does certain meds that we take. Guy that just pumped ours has neighbors that both of them have some serious health issues. Both were battling 3 different types of cancer at the same time. Said that they had to have their tank pumped every year due to the chemo & radiation not allowing the bacteria to work their magic in the septic system. Told him about my opioids and the biological med that Ernie is on, he said that between the 2 of them that would explain why the bottom of our tank was so full of sludge. Go figure....a dookie pumper knows this stuff...:rofl::rofl:.

Ernie has a lot of family in Mexico. She told me that growing up one of her relatives drain line from their house literally just ran out the back and down the hillside.
Guy at the recycling center reads some pretty weird stuff. He was telling me about Tibetan Sky Burials. Next visit he was telling about how the Ganges River has some serious pollution from dead bodies being placed in it....the things one finds out...
In Vietnam, almost ALL toilets have, what looks like a spray/shower nozzle clipped to the wall. They use it to clean themselves, rather than use paper. Takes a little getting used to..LOL......:lol:

My wife does not flush the front to rear paper which generates the most paper waste in female infested households , I would think.
Trash bagged can that.
But all dedicated rear paper really should go down the tubes.

I am SO ahead of the curve on this stuff

I use the shower sprayer as a bidet.
I have done that for years.
Its very hard to be fastidious otherwise if you are a manly man.
(When at home of course. TMI)

I added full size "manhole" covers when I built to avoid all that digging when it is time to pump or inspect.

I did that last time.
Extra 750 to install it.
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I ran out of toilet paper in my motorhome at the races last weekend. During my last crap I had to use 1/2 sheet of paper towel and then made my way to the sink and used a wash rag for final cleanup. That wash rag is going in the hazmat bag.