2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

J par, I love your car, I really do. And you have some really cool stuff going on with it, and I mean that. And I'm not bragging at ALL, but you are going to be offended at my next statement, because you will take it wrong. I mean it to be constructive, I really do, so here it goes:
  • You are the only person I know (and I know a lot of racers) and perhaps the only one on this site with a stroker motor built up like yours with 3.54's at mid 12's.
  • I am the only person that most know, or heard of, that has a stock 360 with stock converter with 2.94's going lower 13's.
  • my point is you keep trying to educate me on racing, and I think i probably have 25 years of racing on you, including driving, and tuning. The above two statements prove that. I wish I could help you....
#1- "I know a lot of racers"..(are you and YR related?)..lol...
No offense at all! LOL having the only car with 354's doing 12's makes me special!!!
#2 careful patting yourself on the back so hard you might hurt your wrist...
#3 25 more years experience and you're still going this slow....:poke:...
All right now if YR comes out here and starts busting are nuts about man love you taking the fall...
I like your duster a lot and everything you doing to it and it made my heart drop into my stomach to hear you're going to sell it...