If you are under 60 you likely missed all of this. I feel soory for you...

Life and the rules haven't changed it's just more open now, it was dirty little secrets before because there were jackass's calling kids basterds.
Not sure if you are pointing a finger at me, but Wiki says;


bastard (plural bastards)
a person who was born out of wedlock, and hence often considered an illegitimate descendant

This is a technical term, not meant to be derogatory in my post.

jackass (plural jackasses)
  1. a male donkey
    Synonym: jack
  2. (chiefly US) a foolish or stupid person
    Synonyms: fool, idiot, dink, dope, buffoon
  3. (chiefly US) an inappropriately rude or obnoxious person
Synonyms: jerk, asshole, bastard, *****