If you are under 60 you likely missed all of this. I feel soory for you...

Every generation thinks the following one is in moral decay.
That's because the nation no longer has an absolute moral compass, having cast it away several generations ago. What we now have is morality by majority.
If the law says it's ok to chit on the street, the majority must have agreed.
If the law says 11 year old girls can shed their blouses, then the majority must have said it's ok.
If the law says it's ok to murder a nine-month old baby just before it draws it's first breath, then the majority must agree.
If one day the law says it's ok for a guy in a uniform to break into your house and take your guns by force, then it must be ok; the majority said so.
If the law then says if you resist,that it's ok to chop off your head; well
you see where this is going?
There is no longer an absolute moral compass; if you see two or more people doing something, then it's probably ok, there will soon be a law to support it.
In my youth fornicating was still absolutely wrong.As I grew older, everybody was doing it. It became accepted, as the citizens adopted it.Then the bastard children became the wards of the government, or they were just abandoned.
Now they have become our rulers, and given us more amoral liberties.
God is all but forgotten. People say they are Christian, but they know not what a Christian is.
They lie. Either with full knowledge or by ignorance.
I myself am not a Christian, because the Christian church has adopted the morality by majority freedom and has lost it's way. And I refuse to be a part of that.
I am a Believer, just as it was in the beginning, before Constantine put us all under the same rule and enslaved us all.
I don't care about smoking and drinking and such, that has nothing to do with my faith. If you are an unbeliever, you will do whatever unbelievers do. God has given you a strong delusion, that leads to the Lake of Fire because you have said in your heart there is no God. The Bible tells us this. So go ahead;burn.
But if you come to the knowledge of good and evil and commit yourself to the risen son of GodAlmighty; then your debaucheries have to be repented of. Why is that? Because we are supposed to strive daily to be like Jesus. And nowhere in scripture do we see Jesus getting drunk, or smoking stuff, or fornicating etc. He has the Ultimate moral compass, the written Law;
written by the finger of GodAlmighty.