Said goodbye to my bud tonight.

I want to say that your story of Odie touched a spot with me. In my family, I’m the one who walks our dog, and she does many of the same things that you described about Odie. Bella is 11 now, and is slowing down, but she still acts like a puppy every time it’s time to go for her walk to the park. She too sniffs every mailbox, errant leaf that blows by, or anything else she sees that will stretch out her walk. Sometimes I get a little impatient and try to move her along, like she does to me when I stop and talk to someone. After reading your stories about Odie, I’m now trying harder to let her sniff a little longer, explore the park a little more, and take the long way around instead of just through the short way. I enjoy our walks together, and I know she does too, so in honor of Odie, and all the great dogs here, I’m trying to be more patient and see it through the eyes of our pups. Heck, I might sniff a post or 2 myself! May Odie Rest In Peace, and live in your heart forever!