Garage rat plinker



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Fabbed up a .99 cent store laser and flashlight into a night time rodent dealer of pain. Boresighted the iron sights to about 20 feet and chucked the pellet gun in a vice. Marked the wall where it was sighted in on and gutted the laser of its columator and momentary switch and hot glued it to the front site so it hit the mark. I mounted the momentary switch under my trigger thumb and wired up the laser with cat-5 cable that I tack glued to the barrel so the emitter is right next to sight post. Scored a 4.5v battery pack out of an old flashlight and glued that to top of buttstock. So now I can turn off the lights in the garage and sit there with a beer and listen for the rat bastard to start moving around. Then I can find him with the flashlight, tag him with the laser a zing him with a BB or a .177 pellet, whatever I got loaded. BBs are good enough at 20 feet and wont yake a chunk out of the wood framing. COME AND GET SOME!



Cant see the laser dot in the photo but its there right in the middle of the light beam.
LOLOL Too bad it's ill-eagle to shoot starlings..................
I got one last week with iron sights and a flashlight in the other hand, shooting rambo style. Sucker jumped 2 feet in the air, but I never found him or smelled him. Maybe I just missed him and the report scared him? It was way back on a 6 foot deep shelf so he could still be drying out back there.
I have 3 large irrational fears. Rats, mice, and heights. A couple years ago we had some rats outside because my neighbor has this huge junk pile he is a hoarder you cannot even see his grass he has no yard just knee high weeds and an acre of junk so I guess the rats got overpopulated and came to my yard. Luckily I found out before they got I'm my house or I would have burnt this ***** down!! My weapon of choice was a 410, victor traps and poison. I set poison where my dogs couldn't go and set traps around my house. And I would set on my porch from dust to around midnight every night blasting them bastards. I forgot my kill count but it was way up there. I still keep the poison and traps out I havent caught any in about 2 years so i guess they moved on or I killed them all lol
I'm very sure that the rats appreciate all the trouble you went through to accommodate them. Just remember to use safety goggles if you use BBs when you're shooting at wood because the BB has a tendency to bounce right back into your face. Don't ask how I know????:mad:
My favorite was done by a guy at work years ago. He was over run by squirrels. He made a feeder out of a metal pan. Then made a place for the squirrels to sit on right in front of it out of metal. Cut the end off an extension cord and hooked a wire up to each. Put it in a low tree limb by his deck.

Wired up a door bell button to the other end & plugged it in. He would put some peanut butter in it in the morning & sit on his deck drinking coffee. When a squirrel came to feed, he would push the button. Zap! Dead squirrel. No mess, no fuss.
My favorite was done by a guy at work years ago. He was over run by squirrels. He made a feeder out of a metal pan. Then made a place for the squirrels to sit on right in front of it out of metal. Cut the end off an extension cord and hooked a wire up to each. Put it in a low tree limb by his deck.

Wired up a door bell button to the other end & plugged it in. He would put some peanut butter in it in the morning & sit on his deck drinking coffee. When a squirrel came to feed, he would push the button. Zap! Dead squirrel. No mess, no fuss.
That's great!

Used to do that with a clay thrower onto the pond when it was frozen. Funny as hell.
For some more redneck hillbilly fun, google “rodentator” or “gopher tunnel explosion”.
I had an IP camera under the house last time I had a visitor, set traps facing each other on a pipe so it had to crawl over both. the thing made it past the first one and just sat on the other one. It finally sprung and launched him out of camera frame. Funny is hell. Caught that bastard with glue traps. I grabbed the rat with some trash pickup tongs, peeled the glue trap off it and threw it to the dog, finished it off. No remorse.
Since when???? I used to make drinking money back in the day killing those dirty birds.

You are right, here's from the Idaho fish and game website

"All birds in Idaho are protected except starlings, Eurasian collared doves, English sparrows and feral pigeons."