Battery draining overnight

Without reading all the comments here is my advice and I may get a bunch of disagrees but i dont care it happened to me in my dart. Check your trunk light. I kept getting dead batteries and I changed everything batteries alt coil etc nothing helped I finally got a battery disconnect switch and turned it off at night. It was a solution but never fixed the problem. One day I had been driving around and went to the store I had some bags in the trunk, when I got home I reached in to get my bags and the light burnt my arm! I was thinking why is that light so hot how could it be hot in 2 seconds that the trunk was open then it hit me. It was staying on all the time the little switch was stuck I replaced it and never had a dead battery again.
My Duster isn’t fancy enough to have a trunk light. But I did have basically the same issue on one of my Miatas