1974 Dart Sport “Desert Rat”

I took the Dart Sport to a local restoration shop today to have it inspected for a potential buyer (at his request)
The shop owner walked around the car with the buyer and had a punch in hand and told him he will use the punch on all of the potential rust areas that may have been covered up...
as soon as the Dart Sport was on the lift he put the punch in his pocket and said “This car is better than anything we are working on and could be one of the most solid and honest old cars I’ve seen in a long time”
The buyer said “What on this car do you see as being problematic in the next 5 years or so?” the shop owner looked at me and said “What are you asking for it?” I told him I’d take $13,500 and he shook his head and promptly told the buyer, “if you like it you shouldn’t think twice about a car this good.”
He followed with, “I don’t think you’ll be able to find something this solid or as well put together and detailed as this car for anywhere near his asking price.”

We all shook hands and now I’m waiting to see if the guy actually comes up with the money tomorrow.
Cool experience! Nice to hear a third party speaking highly of the car I chose and about the work performed.