When do we get old

I've reached a point where when I buy a tool for a project and trying to out smart my self, put it in the most logical location. Well that's not working so great, half the time the tool is not in that special place or any other for that matter. So, dam it I spend 30 minutes trying to find it and of course I have placed it somewhere totally obscure. Still looking for my multi-meter that I logically placed 3 months ago.

You probly put it up so u could find it > I`m terrible about that !
Yesterday , I went to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, went by my daughters house to let her pups out for a bit , mowed my lawn , 'had to work on the lawnmower a little ", chainsawed some limbs and brush , so we could get to the south end of a barn my son and I are tearing down, weed eated a little , picked up the brush and stacked it , started trying to crack seal some cracks where tree roots are ruining my driveway , finally gave up after about 6 hrs of it.
Talk about feeling like 73 last night !!