Bee hives...

When I was a kid (6 or so), we had a swarm on one of our trees. I was running around outside and they took a fancy to me.. started swatting and screaming. My oldest brother heard me, and hollered at me to stop, and stand still. He came and sat next to me, calming me down.. I was covered in honey bees.. had to close my eyes and mouth. They were poking around my nose, crawling in my ears.. my brother kept me cool. Lasted about 10 minutes or so, then they all took off.
Pa found a bee keeper.. guy shows up in a t-shirt and shorts. Found the queen, put her into a bee box in the back of his truck, waited about 20 minutes, and drove off slow with all the bees. Was amazing.

I think I've convinced the wife not to kill honey bees, or the big bumblers (I love those things!).

Hornets? Flame thrower, hand grenade, hammer.. **** those things.