Drag-a-Van.... what a waste, but we're going to do it

I'm sure that isn't in the plans or the budget it's all about the fun. But what if the vans where built like a Pinks car everyone donated parts and time and let see who has what. That seems like a very do able idea to me. Me and my friends have built stuff just to see what would happen. I have a good friend that will built an engine just to try and idea out. We call him Test Mouse because it's all small block Chevy stuff he plays with because it's cheap or free
I know it all sounds like I'm peeing in his Cheerios..BUT!..., I've seen what happens and experienced it as well when you start getting too many irons in the fire with a "peanut budget" they can get overwhelming and vacuum the fun out of it from the other end...
I think all the vans that have been pictured are super cool! And would love to have that Drag Van that cool van Geo showed and that last cool hippie vans would be my favorite! Even an old van crash up Derby would be totally cool and fun.... BUT!!...,. ^^^ Back to my point^^^...
How many times did the 318 duster come out of the garage this year? And how much time did he have to work on his other duster this year? And now wants to add a van or two to the yard???….. how many barrels full a scattershot does this gun have... Back to an earlier point, One race at a time....