Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all!
Looks like a nice day on the horizon. asphalt crew went hard yesterday to get road done before the crap weather.
and some people are complaining on assface about delays.FFS, its almost done, traffic has caused the project to take 2x longer so we didnt have to drive around.bitching about a 10 minute delay? Boo hoo.
Cant wait to see it done.
Lots of new asphalt going down around here. I noticed it seems much smoother than usual. Can see a pretty good ‘sheen’ in sun or oncoming headlights. Place I saw it worst is on a long hill that already has frequent backups cause people slide off the road trying to go up in snow Gonna be fun Winter. The are paving in front of Rodneys garage and has same gloss. Not even done the whole stretch and he said they already had 2 accidents:BangHead: