Re-using Used Lifters on Another Cam

Part 2:
So I wondered why the harder lifters wore more than the softer cams [say Rc 55 vs. Rc50]. Cannot come up with an answer unless the camshaft has better alloy properties.

So I took the crowned lifter and painted it. Took another lifter and laid it sideways over the crown and pressed and wiggled it slightly to duplicate a cam lobe. I got a contact patch of 1/8'' x 1/16''. To be generous, call it .01 square inches of contact. Then take a stiff HP valve spring with 310 pounds open pressure. Multiply that times 1.6 rocker ratio and it equals ~500 pounds static pressure on the lifter and lobe. So, 500 pounds divided by .01 = 50,000 lbs/ That's already mild steel strength, then add friction and acceleration forces on top of that, plus a safety factor. Kind of explains why lifters are hardened and why they still wear.