Tame my 4-speed Stroker....

I had a buddy with a Camaro. Way back in the day (1981 HS drags was where we met) he would use a McLeod rag disc with something like 2000 pounds of base pressure. He knew he could get 70-80 runs out of a disc. When he hit the number, he changed the disc. He had three discs. One in the car, one ready to go in, and one being re-lined.

He never broke anything.
Same era, my brothers 340 demon put a new clutch in it, and it needed one when he sold it. Countless races over a couple years. Driving it everyday, you become "one" with your car. On a good tire and road, the clutch was out much faster, on a smooth road and traction was challenged, he'd ride the clutch with rpm's up. He took out big block chivies, or anything else.