NASCAR Experience Ride

Regular 599 now 319 for 8 minutes by yourself..

Not too bad I guess since it's 1.5 miles and you can get up some decent speed. For me, the closest 3 tracks are short tracks, Richmond, Dover and Martinsville and they go by laps and not time. Like we said above, it'll go by fast and you'll enjoy yourself. As Gerald and I were saying above, it's worth paying a little extra (they tell you this when you get there) to do a ride along with an instructor in a 2 seat car. He will give you some pointers and just by riding along, you get a feel for the car and the track, so you feel more confident when it's your turn. Another cool thing (at least when I was at Richmond), is that they make it family friendly. They know lot of people want to bring their families, so they have activities for them too. One was taking a van around the track with the ones that weren't driving (I think it went about 45-60 MPH) so they could feel how much the track is banked and a little of the sensation of going fast on a track, Kis ate it up. They had games and even though they had photographers (so you'd want to buy extra stuff afterwards), they gave you a minute or two for whoever you bought with you to take pics of you by the car, putting on your helmet, getting in, etc. So I thought that was good they recognized the families needed stuff to do.
Yes, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.