HEI conversion problem: no spark while cranking

Just to be clear ( and I've used HEI on a Slant 6 and the 66 Barracuda.)

Starting is better, rev is better. Less misfires and better fuel burning.... as long as it is set up correctly.
ALSO THIS IS 40 YEAR OLD TECHNOLOGY. it is not perfect, or will not last forever. I made plenty of repairs to it back in the 80's working for a GM dealership. Modules go south, pick ups were wonky and arcing across terminals of those HEI large caps were notorious on the GM engines. I was a MASTER GM Tech.

All I am saying is this HEI conversion thing is Better than the Chrysler Electronic ignition found in the little box on the fenders. But the Chrysler pick up were better than the factory GM's.
I still run the Factory E.I. on my 72' Demon 340 4 speed car. It works well... until the boxes lets the smoke out and melts the plastic over my inner fender. LOL! or the Ballest pops. With H.E.I., there are issues as well. Over heating, fatigue, vibration, over voltage, hard to hide outside the large distributor. What ever. I am sorry for stealing the post from the original Poster. IScamp- the floor is yours.