What they are teaching in college nowadays

I'm a mechanical engineer. I am in the job market. I just love sorting through all the 'sanitation engineer' (Janitor), 'maintenance engineer' (building maintenance), and 'drawing engineer' (draftsman) positions that these dipsticks think is acceptable to re-name. I'm OK with the fact that I don't have kids, when I encounter this.

Yup, I totally agree... In many instances it's about companies being able to "bill" more because of a fancy title. I'm a System Administrator. I have hated the title since the 90's when Mickeysoft decided the office secretary could be called a sys-admin... Sorry chuckles, but that's not how it works, that's not how any of this works....

You forgot ...

Custodial Engineer
Network Engineer
Domestic Engineer....

What a lot of people who sling these titles around don't understand is there are often times, legal connotations to the term "Engineer" and most of them don't what the responsibility of it when it comes to brass tacks.
