opinions welcome on build.

I’m not going to give out the power numbers.
But, I will say the hp/ci improved ever so slightly with the new combo.

Why the big motor? He wanted more power....... and my suggestion was more cubes would def make more power, and that another/different set of expensive reworked stock heads may or may not make more power.
He was looking for tens, and I felt this was the easiest path forward.

It’s the fastest SB FAST car........ by a bunch...... so i’d say it turned out pretty well.

You can hear there’s a slight hesitation/stumble on the line of this run:

Btw, the current all time fastest FAST car also had a big cube motor...... almost 600”.
Built by BES iirc.

The highest HP BB Mopar wedge motors for the class have also been bigger cube as opposed to smaller cube combos.
With equivalent heads, induction, exhaust, compression, cams, etc........ 526’s have made more power than 493’s and 500’s.
The highest HP BB Mopar so far was a 541” MW combo.
Obviously....... better heads, induction, exhaust.

Edit- it appears the new record is held by a BBC Corvette.......9.77.
I have no idea what size the motor in that car is.

The previous record, which stood for several years was by a BBF Mustang...... 9.84.
Rumors at the time were the Mustang motor was either a 572 or 598.