What they are teaching in college nowadays

That really is the truth, kids should be let to just be kids. Without any concerns about whether or not they will or need to identify with any gender. The same thing goes for racial equality, why should we be guilting our kids into thinking they are privileged because they are white? Or less because they are not. To me this teaches people to have a division of feelings for other races, religions or genders. Rather than the real need, to understand no matter how you identify, worship, skin color at the root your still human and going to college to better your future. And I think it might be his psych class, but let's be honest. No matter how your mind rationalizes how you feel, your either a male or female at the end of the day. As they have already pushed gender identification in his English class. I think he's (my son) probably not teacher material as he is never going to want to wrap his head around unisex bathrooms, feeling shamed for being a white male in America or anywhere else. Do I think it's a choice? Sure, if you're a white male that is ashamed of being that, or confused as to why you were born this way. Then you can squat to pee and pray to whatever god you choose to make you different than you were born. But you dont have to shove down the throats of others that they have to understand or accept this. This is the problem, being forced to accept everyone elses opinions and be ashamed of your own.