950 Ultra XP tuning on 500"

Question for those who are happy with their past PS purchases........

Would you be satisfied with what the OP received if you ordered another carb from them?

A lot of small companies, especially those that start out as a one or two man operation, as the business grows....... the ones who were responsible for the popularity and growth of the business in the first place end up spending way more time “managing” the now larger business....... and way less time doing the hands on work that was at the core of what got them there.
So, people get hired to increase production..... and often times they don’t have the same skill set, or frame of mind to actually do the job “the best they can”, and quality can take a down turn.

Looks like PS could stand to implement some additional QC steps.
No, I sure wouldn’t be happy if I got that. I would give them a chance to make it right. I know all to well what ur saying about employees. Kim