New Line Of Harbor Freight Tools

Cheap *** Amelican buying the cheap Chinese product. End user is to blame for the continuous demand.

So many things in play here besides people just being cheap. Most hobby/weekend users can't justify, or need professional grade tools like Snap-On, Mac or other off the truck tools. It use to be that there was good american made tools that you could afford, and were readily available, like Craftsman, SK, and a I'll throw in Husky in that group. Well, we all know what happened with Craftsmen. Quality went down, they made the warranty a pain, and more Sears stores disappear it seems monthly. Black and decker now owns them, so who knows what will become of them. I have not seen SK in years, and Husky is owned by Home Depot, with our local store making warranty an issue to deal with. Harbor Freight use to be the choice for disposable tools, or very limited use, but they have upped their game over the last few years. I will spend the extra for american tool if they are available, but I will not pay extra if it is of less quality, or they will not back up their product. I personally hate sending money overseas, but in some cases, there are no other options. Try to by reproduction parts for any classic car, very few parts made in the states. I'm afraid that it's going to get worse before it gets better. America's manufacturing base continues to shrink, especially things like foundries which produce things like you guessed it, tools and car parts. A lot of other factors driving that, but that is probably another thread subject.