Toyota Oil Change Secrets

I would bet those Toyota oil change guys have a shortcut figured out to avoid removing that skid plate.

Years ago I was talking to a Ford tech that I worked with when I was in new/used sales. He described the proper way to R and R a certain part on the engine of the new Ford small SUV. That involved lowering the sub frame to get at one bolt and it became a six hour repair.

Someone got the idea to use a 4" holesaw to bore thru the right fenderwell to access the hard to reach bolt. Took the repair time down to one hour saving the customer $500.00. They found a source for a 4" plug to fill the hole and made the whole deal look factory fresh. He told me they needed the car owners OK but no one ever said no when advised of the cost savings.

Reminded me of my Chevy dealer days seeing the HD techs replacing a head gasket on a SBC without removing the intake manifold. Eye-opening!