Help needed on adult ADD

I have fairly bad tinnitus. I've had stress problems and boy, it can really get you sometimes. Mostly nowadays, I simply don't do a lot of the stuff I used to

I have the perfect solution for my tinnitus: I can hear & match pitch from years of music training, I hear the tone of tinnitus in my head, and whistle the same note a few octaves lower and it clears it up immediately. As long as I use the same note.

But a recent video based on a popular Reddit theory claims it has found the cure: tapping your fingers on the back of your skull. ... The sound can temporarily suppress the noise of tinnitus, and Polley said that it appears that's what's happening in the video, only a more manual version.

A Simple Reddit Tip Offers Life-Altering Relief For Tinnitus Sufferers - Digg

These two tips should clear you up.