Remember that EMP that MIGHT disable new cars?

I don't think any flat earth Believer, will say there are no satellites. But ;
If you believe in a ball Earth, then you also have to believe that as at 2009; there were ~5000 of them whizzing around up there and by 2030 it is expected there will be another 2000 up there. Now, take a good look below, and witness where this artist puts all those items.Tell me why he put so many of them over the poles and specifically over the South pole. And gee,rhetorically, I wonder how many additional satellites the armies of the world have up there.
I mean think about it; In that model;
do those things stay where they are put? No, the don't, they are in continual free-fall, and continually changing speeds, and would have to have tractors up there to put them back up whenever they moved down. Show me the tractors. Show me one science article supporting the construction of all the tractors.
Alternatively to tractors, every satellite would need to have on-board thrusters to re-position them; and of course how much fuel could they take with them to do that, and how often would they need re-fueling? Well, I guess you could just de-commission them when they go off line.... at a cost of replacing it.... of how many dollars? And nobody thinks that all that debris up there somehow never bangs into eachother?
Look you guys in the Mopar world are some of the smartest guys in the car world of today, and you never thought of these questions?
What happens when some of those wandering satellites enter neighboring airspace? Does the USA call up Russia and say hey Putin, one of our sats is headed your way, you wanna not blow it out of the sky, cuz Hey it cost our taxpayers a lotta lotta cash to put it up there; we're just having technical difficulty keeping it in our airspace cuz you know the Earth is spinning at 1040 mph on it's axis, and hurtling around the sun at 660,000mph and around the center of the galaxy at 6,600,000mph, so it's kindof hard to keep track of where they are from time to time. We promise to ignore yours when they whiz by thru our airspace;What do you think.
Com'on guys, this would never be an option. So if nobody is blowing sats out of orbit, and we don't read about them falling out of our skies; how are they staying up there? I mean they say even the moon is coming closer to the Earth every year, and will, at some future date,crash into us. Think about it.

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Are you off your meds?

Ever heard of gravity? And the lack of gravity? Ever heard the term floating in space?