Harbor Freight steppin' up.

My friend from childhood is a store manager for Harbor Freight and we got talking at a party lately. He says their tool line is getting totally revamped, upscaled and the prices are also going to go up. They got an Icon brand tool chest that's $18,000 bucks...I asked how many he's sold, said none. He told me "for 18 grand, I better be able to drive it too". Its a huge tool chest, like 14 feet long? Said its a dead ringer for a Snap On. I hope they keep a disposable "value line" of hand tools too, love them free 6 in 1 screwdrivers. They have come a long way from the absolute crap cast in India wrenches and rough tap and die kits they used to sell.

Icon Tool Storage

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Interesting though, since they are targeting snap on directly, I wonder what that setup would cost in snap on products?