Aluminum heads

Very good point on the exhaust valve since it sees more heat and is normally harder to keep cool. During the over lap period, how much heat comes back in due to the hot valve as well as the gasses themselves is a interesting point to look at. This would be a constant variable due to the amount of engine material combinations of parts used, compression ratio, and cam timing/dynamics of moving the gasses effectively or not.

Especially on cylinder heads with paired exhaust valves. The localized temps there are much higher. But again...I spent a shitton of time and money on my W5 headed engine moving water around, pulling it from between the exhaust valves of 3-5 and 4-6 and didn't see any measurable power increase. Or loss.

Plugs didn't look any different. Nothing. You can test this stuff until you go broke and not find anything. And I've tested this way more that I should have. It just doesn't matter what the head is made of when it comes to detonation resistance.