how do you feel about electric performance cars?

I find it amazing that some people completely deny the facts.
The fact is that ever since the industrial revolution humans started adding to the pollution in amounts that were not absorb able.
Yea, it wasn't a big deal when it was early on because the fauna on the planet was able to absorb the CO2 and return O2.
It's when the absorption of CO2 and return of O2 was overwhelmed by what we put out in pollution is where the problems began.
Then there's logging and clearing of forest lands for commercial uses that add to the lowered return of O2 while we increase the output of CO2.
And this is only the one compound we put in the air.

Yes, it doesn't bother a lot of us because we don't have to live with the affects much yet, but some are already paying for tipping the scales in an unrecoverable direction.

Think about it like this.
If one person farts in your living room it's not a huge deal if the windows are open a little and they did it at the other end of the room.
If 10 people fart in your living room the windows are not going to be enough to clear it, AND you are going to smell it clear at the other side of the room.

Right now it's 1 person farting at the other end of the room.
Won't be long before we will all be smelling it.

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Yeah, heard the same argument from AOC, but it was about cows farting in a field.