Ketchup enhances most things.....

I hope you grew out of that!
You do know what Creutzfedlt-Jakob Disease is?

When I was a kid, I'd drink milk pretty much from the teat. When I got older, I realized why we pasteurized and homogenized our milk before we shipped it.

Eating raw steak is a bad thing! In fact, I'm not allowed to donate blood because when I was stationed in Germany, I "may have been" exposed to the mad cow prion.

So true. Raw meat is no joke. Any meat. Raw pig can give you trichinosis (sp????) and raw seafood will make you wish you were dead.

IIRC, the C/J disease is passed though the bovine by feeding them bone meal and processed blood meal from other animals. I may not be correct about that, but I think I'm close.

Raw meat is not to be messed with.