Gosh Dang it, I hate theives.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Lakeview, OR
I work in a high school, afternoon shift, I get in about half hour before the kids get off. I left my North Face jacket lying on the counter by where we punch in. Don't normally leave it there but got in early and had to sit there for a while before punching in. So then I punched in and went to work. Forgetting that it was lying on the counter behind me. It's not in a secure area, anyone could just walk over and grab it. And apparently someone did! Was like a $250 jacket, and my camo Mopar hat was with it, also gone.
Pisses me off that I left it there, but pisses me off more when people just take **** that isn't there's.
Luckily we have a lot of security cameras now and there is one pointing at that area. So maybe on Tuesday morning our security guy can look back at todays footage and see what happened.
So bummed out and pissed off.

Updated: see my last post. Looks like the vice principle grabbed it thinking it was his. Won't know for sure till Tuesday, but the surveillance video shows an adult walking off with it, not a kid.
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All convicted thieves should be publically caned. That would stop a bunch of that crap.

Thieves are slimy, worthless Luke's who think everyone owes them something. Cane them.
I had a car stolen years ago and I can't describe how I felt. It was weird like someone showed me great disrespect, although they didn't know me or said anything to me. I know weird, but best I can describe it. I never found it and I was pissed for quite awhile. I could have gotten violent with them.
I had a car stolen years ago and I can't describe how I felt. It was weird like someone showed me great disrespect, although they didn't know me or said anything to me. I know weird, but best I can describe it. I never found it and I was pissed for quite awhile. I could have gotten violent with them.

I know I feel like sick to my stomach right now, and that's just a jacket, I can't imagine what it would be like if someone stole my car.
Many years ago I was a member of a very small off road club we called ourselves the "2x4's" because we (at the time) were from a lumbering community, and most of our "4x4's" were broken, making them a "2x4" LOL. Anyhow the club teamed up with a Boy's Ranch to take some kids on an outing. I missed it, had to work part of Saturday. Anyhow, my then good friend had a almost new (he bought it new) 74 Dodge shortie 4x. We had swapped a 440 into the thing (and the 360 went into my Landcruiser.) Anyhow, two of the kids stole that truck---he USED to leave the keys in, and drove it from the N end of Idaho clear down to S Oregon. he took off work, and I rode with, to go down and retrieve the truck. It had some scratches, and the kids had pawned anything in the truck, including the jack and spare, for gas money, then run it out of gas, then ran the battery clear dead. One window broken, and POlice fingerprint dust all over everything.

Anyhow, we patched it together and got it home........but Gary NEVER left the keys in a rig again, so far as I know
Bummer deal about your North Face jacket. Real shitty way start a weekend. Hopefully it gets returned when school back in session over weekend. Thieves are scum.
Ok, got some possible good news. I didn't want to wait for Tuesday for our security guy to look at the the footage, so I called district security and gave them the details.
I did leave it there, and someone did pick it up. But it was an adult, tall guy in a red shirt. Sounds.like the.vice principal to me. I saw him earlier and he was wearing a red sweater. They said on the video he just picked it up and walked off, like he thought it was his. But with my Mopar hat laying on top you'd think he would know it wasn't his.
Also, there is a black jacket laying on a table in the office, doesn't look like mine, but it is black. So wondering if that's his, and he just walked off with mine. So, we should be able to figure it out Tuesday morning, so maybe not all is lost.
We had a golf cart vandalized (seat slashed) and had the perps on video to prove it. Gang bangers who were pissed that the thing was chained to the pole so they couldnt joy ride it. The security of the arena would not let us see the video because it may 'encroach on someones rights"...How 'bout ours? Never caught the punks, they didn't even look for them. This place is getting dangerous again.... :-( I think public shaming of the perps and their parents (if under age) would be effective.

<< I like video surveillance: we had an apartment telephone entrance cable ripped out of a splice in an alley. Something snagged it on the way down the alley. So we saw a camera and asked if we could view the footage at 0705 when my customer went out. Sure enough at ~0700, a trash truck hoisted a dumpster right under the cable and snagged it. Called the trash company and they sent a supervisor down. We showed him the footage and he told us it was a fill in driver for thr sick route driver who probably did not know the cable was there. We fixed it and billed them $800. That's the way it goes. >>
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I feel for you, my North face jacket is my favorite. Hang around the thief will show up with it. They are never that smart!
I hear Tesla now records vandalism on it's own

Did the video show what happened to the hat?
I hear Tesla now records vandalism on it's own

Did the video show what happened to the hat?

That fat broad should be horse whipped and all her possessions set afire. Never understood why someone does that. I have a nice dent where someone kicked the rear quarter of my barracuda and plenty of dings and door checks from these types of worthless trash.

Sorry for the derail.