And.. away.. we.. go! (Or, I'm not a mig welding virgin anymore!)

Some 40 years ago I could arc and spark and burn and mess with a stick. I was never all that good. I did manage to do a few overhead welds on a trailer hitch receiver that never fell off LOL

Anyhow, after I got a MIG it was a whole different deal. I don't do much sheet metal, mostly medium sized fab. I rarely use anything except straight CO2. It is liquid, therefore a bottle lasts a LONG time. I'm told it spatters more, and likely not great on sheet metal. But it works for what I do. My first MIG was a little Lincoln 140, 110V. Then I got a 240V 180 Lincoln. At the time, dual voltage ones were fairly new and pretty exensive.

I've also got a huge old Lincoln transformer stick/ TIG but have never had or taken the time to learn much about TIG SOB is gigantic, I think I read once it weighs near 400
