Low rise lift hydraulic ideas

Is it a scissor? Youll need to do some math to get the ram capacity. If it has lock outs you could use either I suppose, but youll have to factor the diameter of the pneumatic cylinder or else youll have a jack that wont be able to be driven onto as the nested cylinder will be ~18 inches round!

Here is some high school achiever math for you:

"Consider the angles — If the cylinder in an application deals with linkages or has a force transfer angle or other pivoting member, allow for force losses in those angles. The force actually transmitted to the system is equal to the net force multiplied by the sine of the transfer angle:

Ft = Fn × sinθ Ft may equal 6000 lbs. (common low lift capacity)
6000 = Fn X sin (transfer angle looks like maybe 30?) or 1/2? so perhaps you need a 12000 lb cylinder....Im just spit ballin here.

where Ft= force applied to the load, Fn = net force, and θ = the transfer angle.

The force absorbed by the pivot is equal to the net force multiplied by the cosine of the transfer angle:

Ft = Fn × cosθ"