Wheeler Dealers

aw, I missed it, Ill have to get it on demand. 2 piece as in a rubber isolation driveshaft, ala Mustang? Was the 2017 wheel a 5 on 4?
They did talk about the Mustang, (doing a comparison) but they were referring to the Barracuda when they were talking about the two piece "propeller shaft."???? I don't believe they were doing a 5 on 4 wheel, (5 on 4 1/2) as they are going to build it as a drag car. They custom built the wheels to fit the 13" beanie (dog dish) hub caps. The wells were monsters. They are putting a Hemi in it. Drive shaft "catch rings" custom tunnel, roll cage, etc. I guess they will finish it on the next episodes. s-l500.jpg