13.3's to 11.8's to Forget it...

Also no Bromance and no date for yellow rose and I.. if it's obvious to anybody else but as soon as I said I was close or in the vicinity... AWOL .. since...:rolleyes::rolleyes:...

LOL. I had to get home this AM. I had an appointment at 3 today so I didn't have time to screw around. I was on the road...on the road early with my road dog Rocky. I'll be back on Monday or early Tuesday for a Wednesday surgery and then for however long it takes my mom to recover.

And I'll know when she's better because she will start telling me how to load the dishwasher and how to swiffer the damn floor!!!!! When that happens, I'm going home because she is all better.

And tomorrow morning I'm going down to see if I can get my distributor machine up and going. Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo