Do You Remember Your First Cigarette?

Dad smoked unfiltered Camels - died of his 2nd heart attack at age 44 when I was 7 years old. Doctor attributed his heart attack to both cigarettes and overwork/stress from long, long hours as a railroad engineer during WWII. He was tall and thin so wasn't an overweight issue. Also very good golfer and played as often as he could (always walked the course) so wasn't a conditioning issue.
My only drag on a cigarette was about age 9 or 10. Thought I was going to die.
My grandfather lived next door to us and was a heavy smoker. I could always tell when he woke up in the morning by hearing him start coughing. He developed lung cancer in his early 70s and literally coughed a lung up while sitting on the edge of his bed one morning.
Those are the reasons I've never smoked.