Bringing My Amiga 500 Computer Out of Mothballs

The only problem is I don't remember the proper shut down procedure. I have switches on the monitor and the transformer which powers the computer. I have one disc in the computer (the workbench disc) and a game disc in the external drive. Can I eject the game disc anytime? Do I leave the workbench disc inserted for the next startup? Is there something on the screen pull-down menu I should look for that shuts things down for me? Remember, this is my first computer which my spouse bought as a gift for $300 back in the 1990's. I can't be expected to remember all the ins and outs.

The image on the screen in the photo is something I am very proud of--a black jack casino game I programmed all by my lonesome after having taken a couple of very basic computer classes back then. I used "basic" language and the little booklet that came with the Amiga that explained the command/language codes.

The game automatically shuffles the cards (using a random number generator to mimic real life conditions) when there are 10 or fewer cards left in the deck. It allows "hitting" for additional cards, as well as options to "double down" and "split pairs" as well. It keeps a running total of your chip count for you after adding (you win) or subtracting (you lose) during each hand played. It also runs statistics, like how many blackjack's are dealt to you versus how many are dealt to the dealer. The dealer plays automatically according to common casino procedures. Of course, you have to play first which gives the dealer a slight advantage. "Blackjack" or "21" dealt with the first two cards pays 3 to 2.

I got the idea for the game when I walked by a slot-type machine in a Nevada casino that you could play BlackJack on and did basically the same thing as my creation.

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Do you have the Oregon trail floppy disk game.