Stop in for a cup of coffee

So my painter has been explaining for two weeks he would paint car tomorrow it is next etc etc. Drove over to his shop today, car still in primer. He explained he got behind again and I was only two away from paint. I am very frustrated. I simply turned my back on him and walked away, I just could not even speak. Nothing I could say would help the situation. Driving back to North Dakota I have made a unemotional decision. If Demon is not painted by Dec 1/I will trailer it home and paint it myself in my shop. I am loathe to do that as I have painted several at home and I am just not set up to do it. I really wanted a better job on this one. My tolerance for being jerked around has met its end. I am a patient guy and had you told me I will paint it 12/1 I would be fine. But to continually be told I am painting it tomorrow and not paint is just plain wrong. Thanks all for letting me vent.
I feel for you,Man!
“Im coning with my trailer dec 1st and taking it home, painted or not”