
I always let her have the last word. The last word is not winning, it's just the last word.
My wife trys to start arguments, but I think women don't know how to argue. When discord comes, they just want to fight, and they're always poised to pounce; there's no warning, no grace period, it's from zero to ten; hammer-time! I usually see it coming and just walk away. So she has a lotta pictures in her memory of my backside. But what she does not have is a bag of ammunition, of all the harsh words I ever spoke to her, or all the times, in her opinion, that I was wrong .
She never asks why I walk away. Instead, she turns it into a statement of fact, like " You're always walking away."
Someday, maybe, she will ask me why I walk away, but I'm not waiting for it.
I always let her have the last word. The last word is not winning, it's just the last word.