Need A Little help Please

Yes that is the cam in the engine. 273/ 281 640/640 106/00 lsa with.26 .26 lash. will be doing compression check after filling up on turkey. HAPPY TURKEY TO ALL YOU GUYS and THANKS

If that is one of Harold's lobes and it most likely is, it should be installed on a 100 ICL. I'd bet good money it's not, because the de facto ICL is 4 degrees ahead of LSA. You can thank Comp for that.

Just one of those things that happens.

Did you time the cam or did someone else?

Edit: I should have mentioned that I have personal knowledge of several engine builder miss reading Harold's cam card. You posted 106/00 and to me, that means the cam is on a 106 LSA and Harold wanted it in at a 100 ICL. Some guys read that as a 106 LSA installed on a 106 ICL...meaning they see the 00 as straight up, as in no advance or retard.

I've only seen one Ultradyne cam that went in with only 4 degrees advance and that was a big block Oldsmobile for a boat...which actually sank. But that's a different story.