6.1 Hemi into 72 Demon March 2018

Well well, turkey day is upon us! I have already got into pumpkin pie and cheesecake for breakfast! A spot of green tea and I will be ricocheting off the walls for hours. I don’t eat sugar or caffeine in my daily life but on the holidays I eat and drink like a pirate! What I do have is some pix of the Demon being actually painted. Me and the painter had a meeting of the minds last week. It involved my big diesel, a MT race trailer and a car in primer! Said car is now green! I am very happy. I just could not take one more, I am painting it tomorrow or by weekend etc etc only to have it be untrue. I figure I am both reasonable and patient plus I have paid him cash upfront with no required paperwork. A pretty good customer by anyone’s standards. He asked to be allowed to finish the car as it dawned on him I was done. I knew he is a genuine good guy and an excellent painter but at some point you just gotta do what ya gotta do. The other pix is one of our grandsons making pies! Have a great holiday all.
Blessed Be



