Your (new) car may need a tin foil hat.

How about not derailing threads with YOUR beliefs!
Why do I have to take it up with HIM? YOU injected him in this thread.
When the thread asks for your opinion on religion, then by all means offer up your views. You're worse then a reformed smoker. Fn know it all....
I'm happy to say NOT ONE person has made it on my ignore list cuz I dont have one. I have thick enough skin to not allow stuff get to me that much that I ignore people. Plus I get a kick outta **** disturbing lol.
It's the internet YA BIG BABY.
Yes you did make it political with US vs CANADA "free speech" beliefs.
I'm kinda proud of the fact I got you to put me on YOUR list in 2-3 replies lmao.
Happy Hanukkah, now go play with your dreidel.
1. Not that its any of your concern if there were, but there was nothing political in my posts here.

2. My suggestion was that you refrain from reading posts having reference to subjects that upset you rather than be purposefully disrespectful to others on the forum as you have here.

Apparently, you misunderstood my meaning, so let me be more clear...... If you have a problem with G-d...... Take it up with Him. For I have neither the desire nor the patience to indulge your prejudices.

That's really all I have to say on the subject this evening. Welcome to my 'Ignore' list. I suggest you consider adding me to yours, as well.

With respect,
