Gorillas Don't Eat Meat



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
We have been led to believe that animal protein is best to build muscle. My Dad was a cattle rancher, so believe you me, I eat a lot of beef (chicken, lamb, pork, etc.).

Watching a film today on Netflix called "The Game Changers" was a real eye opener. It seems to blow the meat/protein--theory/belief out the window. Well, something to take into consideration anyway.

I thought I've seen gorillas eat other monkeys on the discovery channel?

either way, God told Noah we could eat meat, and that's good enough for me
Cows build a lot of muscle out of a grass diet, but that is what God intended them to eat. A Humans is not a ruminants or herbivore. God designed us to eat meat.
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The post-flood world may not be anything at all the the preflood world; I mean it was covered over by silt, in places many hundreds of feet deep. A lot of the preflood geography is gone, and so too the plants. And the only things with the breath of life in them today, came to us on the Ark. God allowed Noah to eat meat, because that food-source may have been the only food left in the entire world....... and those Eight, would probably have died, trying to survive in the New World., without eating of the clean foods.
Later,600+ year old Noah, began to be a Farmer,an Animal Husbandman, and a Vintner.. And his boys may not all have followed his example. Just a few generations later great-grandson Nimrod is found building a tower into heaven. Like; who or what, gave him the idea to begin such an ambitious project.
Maybe it was Mad-Gorilla disease. or Mad coney, Mad-camel, or Mad-something; it had to have come from the food right? I mean who in there right mind, wakes up one morning, and says to great-grandfather Noah; Today I am a man, and my first decision and project, is to build a tower into God's Domain, and go kill Him............ When Grandfather Ham, and his brothers just witnessed the most incredible Judgement ever put on Mankind. I mean com'on Nimrod; are you nuts? The only reason you're even here is cuz God had mercy on mankind and brought Noah thru the Flood; you lousy rebellious ingrate.
And thus began the Second Epoch of Man.
We are what we eat. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully designed, yet; garbage in/garbage out. Our bodies take every morsel of food apart, into principal ingredients, and put the pieces back together into fueling and maintaining these amazing machines. But every morsel has DNA different from our own. How is it that our bodies, in an incomprehensible manner, do not replicate us into whatever we eat? How does the human body know to ignore the DNA in our food, and keep on being the thing God created us to be?
IDK, I guess I'll save that question for after Judgement Day. After all, in that Day, the Lion will eat hay, like the Ox.
That's why we have canine teeth. Pretty simple to understand. Pass the steak sauce.
We have been led to believe that animal protein is best to build muscle. My Dad was a cattle rancher, so believe you me, I eat a lot of beef (chicken, lamb, pork, etc.).

Watching a film today on Netflix called "The Game Changers" was a real eye opener. It seems to blow the meat/protein--theory/belief out the window. Well, something to take into consideration anyway.
Protein builds muscle. It can be found in many plants. Some have zero, some have a crap ton plus.
Vegetarians know this. Do some homework as if you decided to be a vegetarian and POW! Your going to be surprised. You don’t “NEED” meat to survive or build muscles. Protein is protein.

As far as what we are designed to eat, whatever those say GOD said we’re designed to eat, what ever science says we’re designed to eat, etc... I simply say, what Bobby said,
“Pass the steak sauce!”

Make my steak filet mignon! It’s been awhile since I had one done right.
There ain’t nothin like bacon wrapped hot dawgs @ a camp fire for dinner.
Protein builds muscle. It can be found in many plants. Some have zero, some have a crap ton plus.
Vegetarians know this. Do some homework as if you decided to be a vegetarian and POW! Your going to be surprised. You don’t “NEED” meat to survive or build muscles. Protein is protein.

As far as what we are designed to eat, whatever those say GOD said we’re designed to eat, what ever science says we’re designed to eat, etc... I simply say, what Bobby said,
“Pass the steak sauce!”

Make my steak filet mignon! It’s been awhile since I had one done right.
There ain’t nothin like bacon wrapped hot dawgs @ a camp fire for dinner.

Agree, but also consider the source of the propaganda- netflix (Obama associated).
I've see video of chimps catching and pulling smaller monkeys apart to eat them.
Pretty gruesome.
Monkeys are nasty animals.
Just about the worst thing I've every smelled was a shipment of monkeys.
Gorillas don’t fight one another... or Submarines don’t eat meat... heck I’m going out to work on my car
Oh yea! (Sarcasm!)
I can spin a better yarn....
Cows build a lot of muscle out of a grass diet, but that is what God intended them to eat. A Humans is not a ruminants or herbivore. God designed us to eat meat.

So why would I go to Burger King to get a veggie burger ?
Where's the beef ?
Look what professional athletes eat, mostly vegetables when they have a nutritionist helping them. Six days a week. They can eat whatever they want on day seven, then back to the garden to eat.

Now,if you want to be the Rock (Dwayne Johnson), then you'll need a quarter cow a day, he eats an insane amount of calories.
Hats off to Dibbons. I would have never thought to go to a Mopar website to find a bunch of gorilla experts! lol