People who let rare cars rot.

Bless you, man. You probably made his day just listening to him and offering to help him with a shed. You gave him something to hope for, even if he didn't live to see it.
I am now an old man like that guy in my story. I an still drive, work on my old cars, I an still see decent.
I was raised in the deep South and I as taught to say yes sir, yes mam, to respect my elders. I learned from a young age they had knowledge and experience that I did not have, may never have.
Sure I could have had the bad hots for his old RR, but back in the 90s, what 25-30 years ago, there were plenty of good old Mopars out there, just a matter of time till one fell in my lap again. He loved that car and the memories it gave him. It was not mine to try to take.
That old man made a living on that Mo. all his life, I respected what he did, I could have listened to him for days on end about it all, not just about his car. He raised a family, he made a living. He probably did not have a big bank account.
Point is also, we see old cars sitting outside for years, decades, sometimes we just don't always know the whole story. Sometimes it is more to it all, than what is appearant?