Would you watch a YouTube series with a SB Mopar twin turbo / Grind for powertour build?

I can dig that. I like watching UTG (Uncle Tony’s Garage) on you tube. Project bottle rocket is a scream and Tony has been around a long time. I like his style. (Could just be a New Yorker thing... since I am as well....) Not quite fit for TV though and that is just OK as well. I used to watch what is now on motor trend tv, Roadkill and the other fun stuff those guys do. Yup, I signed up there & keep up.

I think your going to find it a huge effort, the more professional you make it which should be the goal. I believe it to be worth it in the end.

Just curious as to how many of us spend time watching YouTube Series vs watching builds take shape post by post on a thread?

I'm about 90% sure i'm participating in the 2020 powertour and going for the longhauler.

It'll be a Mopar build. Probably my Late B body Mule that I've been procrastinating doing something with

it'll be a twin turbo SB build. Contemplating everything from 5 PSI at a stock 318...to doing a specific 408 with low CR and throwing 12PSI at it.

Worth watching a string of 30 minute videos along the way? or rather just follow along on a thread?